Our School Mountain System is based on four Mountain groups named after prominent Waikato mountains: Kakepuku, Karioi, Maungatautari and Pirongia. The Mountain groups meet regularly for student assemblies and social interaction. Organising our groups this way gives students a stable ‘family’ base. In conjunction with this the school has Year level Deans, which look after various aspects based on the year level students are in. Subject teaching is organised in the normal year level classes. Whanau Groups: On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, students attend Waananga Akotahi Group period at the beginning of the day where pastoral care is paramount. Attendance: If a student is to be away from school it is essential that a parent makes contact with the school by leaving a message on the absence extension number. A note signed by a parent/caregiver must be handed in to the students’ Whanau teacher on their first day of return to college. The note should give the date and reason for their absence. During school hours, students must be in class unless they are carrying a permission slip from their teacher.
Our College Guidance system provides opportunities for students to receive support and guidance to help them mature into young adults. We have a full time counsellor, a drug and alcohol counsellor, and a social worker. Health/Wellbeing Centre A registered nurse provides a full range of health services and first aid treatment. A doctor provides time for an hour each week free of charge. Students who are ill during the day, or who are injured while at school are attended to in the Health Centre. Students who require medication during the day should leave it with the nurse. If a student is too ill to remain at school, they must report to the Health Centre for contact to be made with parents. It is not acceptable for students to use cell phones to call parents to collect them. Parents are asked to advise the college of any physical disability or medical condition which could affect the student while at school so that correct first aid may be administered in cases of emergency. Career Service Fairfield College equips students with relevant information to enable them to make informed decisions regarding their future directions. A strong career education programme is implemented across all levels.
Vinnie Monga
School Guidance Counsellor
email: mongav@faircol.school.nz
This centre is available for parents and student during the school day. Students sign in and out of school, pay sports, cultural and trip fees and collect student related information from the centre. Students who have dental, medical or specialist appointments during school hours must bring a note from their parents to whanau group in the morning. It will be counter-signed and the student will need to report to the student service centre to sign out at the appropriate time. During lunchtime students must remain on the college campus. If an emergency arises, a special pass may be issued by a Deputy Principal.
Attendance is a key indicator of achievement and we have set a school goal of 92%. Please report student absences by one of the methods below:
Wendy Tarrant
Student Service Centre Manager
email: tarrantw@faircol.school.nz
Christine Benseman
Attendance/Enrolment Office
email: bensemanc@faircol.school.nz
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