Career / Tertiary Pathways

Pathway Staff


SFP - Senior Foundation Programe



GAT200 - Gateway



PET - Pre-Employment Training



Pathways Centre

We plan our curriculum with a focus on outcomes for students to develop an effective and useful pathway forward.  The role of our pathways team is to ensure that all students from Year 9 have an achievement and career pathway.  Please feel free to contact the Pathways Director for more information on curriculum and/or career options on 853 5660.  We provide career guidance programme to help students select appropriate pathways for themselves as they make their subject choices.  We also integrate the Career Navigator Programme into our school.  Career Navigator is a ready to work programme designed to support teens in their decision making around future employment, while providing a platform for employers to share real world knowledge and offer mentoring and active learning opportunities.  The programme includes Year 11 Pathway day, guest speakers delivering experiential workshops in Gateway and engineering classes and career mentoring to year 12 and 13 students. It is possible to combine qualifications in many different ways and across many different levels to ensure achievement for each student.


This programme is available to Years 11, 12 and 13 students.  It opens a new pathway from school to the world of work and is a great opportunity to blend school study with workplace learning and experience.  Work placements are timed to suit each student’s programme and may take place either in school time, after school or during school holidays.  Gateway work placement unit standards are assessed and credits gained count towards national qualifications, including NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.  Gateway provides opportunities to try out potential careers before students commit to full time work or training.  Please contact Mrs Cosgrove on 853 5660 ext:846 for more information.


STAR courses are short, introductory (taster) courses in a wide range of careers.  Students are released from school for one or two days to attend a course of their choice, in which they will have practical, hands – on experience.  Courses are advertised in the College’s daily News and Notices for years 10 - 13 students and are cost free (conditions do apply).  Almost all STAR courses are Hamilton based, with the majority held at one of Wintec’s campuses.  Please contact Mrs Cosgrove on 853 5660 ext:846 for more information.

Educational Partnership with Tertiary Providers (Secondary Tertiary Partnerships STP)

Fairfield College continues to expand their curriculum by developing partnerships with tertiary providers such as Wintec, Hire Wire Charitable Trust.  Through these partnerships we are able to offer senior students the opportunity to combine study at school with part-time study with a tertiary provider.  Possible areas of interest are: Construction and Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Technology, Social and Community Services, Landscape Construction and Cultivation, Café Skills, Primary Industries, Beauty and Hairdressing and Sport and Fitness.  Contact Mr Mike Smith for more information or phone 853 5660.

Services Academy

Fairfield College is fortunate to have established a learning and achievement partnership with the High Wire Charitable Trust, which is based in Papakura.  The partnership enables Fairfield College to run a school based Services Academy.  The academy offers students a learning programme that will place them in a strong position to make more informed decisions about pursuing a career in the military services, police, fire department etc.  Year 10 students achieve unit standards that have credits that are linked to students’ NCEA achievement.   Please contact the school for further information.

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