Fairfield College
Sports Registration
Dear Parents/Caregivers
On-line registrations are now open for the 2020 major sports codes. Please click on the links below to sign up your son/daughter for the upcoming season:
Are you interested in Coaching 2020? Click into the link below to register your interest.
Methods of Payment
Pay at the Student Service Centre: Use Eftpos, Credit Card or Cheque.
Internet Banking: If paying via your internet banking, the Fairfield College Account details are:
ASB: 12 3171 0172257 00
To enable us to credit the correct amount, please add your son's/daughter's name, and make reference to the sport.
Automatic payment: Automatic payment forms are available from the fees counter at the Student Service Centre. Please contact Mrs Wendy Tarrant at the SSC (07) 853 5660 ext 861 if you wish to arrange regular instalments.
FFC Sports Co-ordinators
Toni Phillips & Vikki Rangiaawha